Add as a payment processing method to your funnel.

Adding as a credit card gateway to Funnelish is easy. After you create a gateway one time, you can use it again on any number of funnels.

This guide assumes you first create an account on the sandbox site for testing purposes. Or a merchant account on the main site and generate live API keys.

Before you start

After you have created a gateway, you can use it again on any number of funnels.

Locate your keys

To enable (sandbox version) on Funnelish, create and copy two API keys.

  1. Log in to your sandbox account.

  2. On the side menu, click Developers > Keys.

  3. Click the Create a new key button.

  4. On the next page, click the radio button next to Public API Key.

  5. Add a key description. (optional)

  6. Scroll down to the Select processing channels heading and check the box. (required)

  7. Click the Create key button.

On the next page, copy the Public API Key and then paste it into a file (e.g., Notepad). Click the Close button.

Do not copy the Key ID copy the actual "Key".

Secret API Key

Now it's time to create the second key.

  1. Click the Create a new key button.

  2. On the next page, click the radio button next to Secret API Key.

  3. Add a key description. (optional)

  4. Under the Scopes heading, select "Default" or "Select all" (nearly all the scopes are needed for the proper functioning of the gateway).

  5. Scroll down to the Select processing channels heading and check the box. (required)

  6. Click the Create key button.

On the next page, copy the Secret API Key and then paste it into a file (e.g., Notepad). Click the Close button.

Do not copy the Key ID copy the actual Secret API Key.

Create a gateway

Now you're ready to enable (sandbox version) on a funnel.

  1. Open a funnel.

  2. Click the payment form field.

  3. In the left settings panel, click Edit payment options.

  4. Click Add a new payment method.

  5. In the pop-up window, click Credit Card.

  6. Click Add New Credit Card Gateway. A new window will display.

  7. Click the Gateway field and select on the drop-down menu.

Now copy the sandbox Secret Key and Public Key from your file (e.g., Notepad). Paste the keys into the fields.

8. Choose from the following 3D options:

  • If Enable 3DS is toggled, 3D secure verification will be conducted before processing a payment.

  • If Attempt non-3DS when possible is toggled alongside 3DS, we will avoid 3D secure verification whenever possible to reduce friction.

Once that is complete, click Create. Funnelish adds to the list.

Test your gateway

  1. Locate the funnel step with the payment form and click the URL.

  2. Add a product to the cart.

  3. Select the payment option.

  4. Enter billing details.

  5. Enter the following card details:

  • Number: 4242 4242 4242 4242

  • Expiry date: any future date

  • CVC: any three numbers

5. Click the Buy button to complete the sandbox purchase.

To verify results on the processor end, login to your sandbox account and click Payments on the side menu. The test order displays the status of AUTHENTICATION REQUESTED.

Your payment gateway is ready to go live.


If the sandbox order does not appear on, verify the API keys. Do not copy the keys with the ID in the name.

Enable a live gateway

If you're happy with the test results and want to start taking payments right away, contact the sales team to move to a live merchant account.

Before you enable a live gateway, make sure you replace the two sandbox API keys in the Funnelish payment gateway with your merchant account API keys.

Last updated